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Event: FLF Conference, Crucible, Workshop


Updated: Apr 13, 2023

Yueting interacted within the FLF network as he starts his fellowship.

FLF Annual Conference 2022

In Oct 2022, Yueting attended the FLF annual conference in Birmingham. As the first FLF conference for Yueting, it has been a great opportunity to get to know other fellows from round 1 to round 6. There have been great talks from UKRI, the FLF development network, and FLF fellows during this two-day event. One of the most impressive parts is when Prof Dame Ottoline Leyser the CEO of UKRI talked about the non-linear path of research: we quite often start with an idea in mind but end up with something else, this makes our work not as straightforward as we would hope, but is also the beauty of doing research!

"Research is nonlinear." - Prof Dame Ottoline Leyser

(Photo credit: FLFDevNetwork)

FLF Crucible Programme

In Nov 2022, Yueting participated in the Crucible Programme Workshop in Wetherby by the FLF Development Network. During the two-day event, it has been nice to chat about interdisciplinary collaboration (which we are particularly passionate about), research culture, research toward innovation and impact, etc. This is also where Yueting received a nice visualization of our FLF project below.

(Design by Vanessa Damianous @thinkingv)

On this Crucible, Yueting and a few other fellows initiated the discussion on the gap between research and innovation and how people can be better supported to translate their research to value.

(Photo credit: FLFDevNetwork)

FLF Research Translation Workshop: read the blog

Following the Crucible program, Yueting and Dr Sophie Cox hosted a workshop on Research Translation and Impact on the 13-14th March at the Edgbaston Park Hotel, funded by FLF Development Network. We were joined by a group of UKRI Future Leaders Fellows (FLF) including Dr Obinna Ubah (Elasmogen Ltd), Mohsen Rahmani (Nottingham Trent University), and Noemi Procopio (University of Central Lancashire) who are interested in exploring the support and skills required for translating university research into innovations and impact.

We invited fanstastic speakers to provide diverse perspectives on research translations including Prof Dominique Moran (University of Birmingham), Prof Stuart James (Queen's University Belfast, online), Dr Hyunwoo Yuk (SanaHeal, Inc., online), Prof Brian Robb (University of Birmingham), Dr Caroline Barelle (Elasmogen Ltd), Dr Matt Lodge (UKRI), Sharon Morgan-Young, Paul Grimshaw, and Steph Morris (FLF Development Network). We discussed the following topics that will feed into the toolkit that FLF Development Network is going to develop.

  • The key components needed to translate their research into impact, e.g., skills, resource, and support.

  • Advice to early career researchers on best practices, e.g., a list of do and don’t.

  • Advice to institutions and national funding agencies on the support and environment that should be offered.

If you are interested in this topic, feel free to get in touch.


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